Covid made many people avoid going to workplaces and avoid crowds. But wherever we were I think we all felt a constant presence of this new, strange virus. But we are able to shelter in our own homes. But as Covid is still spreading around the world, many people in refugee camps, or who are displaced in their own countries, have to try and stay healthy against an enemy that we can't fight with weapons, but with water, soap and face masks.
Amidst the challenge of staying in or near our own homes, many have found their eyes open to what is around them – birds they have never seen or looked for before, traffic silenced and air clearer. Has Covid-19 helped us to realise the beauty of this earth and how will we continue to seek justice for the climate? We don't know much about Mary and Joseph's time in Egypt, but we can hope they finally found a safe and welcoming place to stay until they could return home; one where they were not always rushing around but could enjoy the beauty of the earth around them.
Reading, Matthew 2 – 13:14 – Aaron Braid
Speaker – Rev Kathy Galloway, Poet and writer, former Leader of the Iona Community and Christian Aid Scotland
Prayer – Douglas Willis
God who made the earth – written by John L. Bell. Sung by Lesley Ewing and Iain D Cunningham, accompanied by Brian K. Prentice

Climate Change impacts everyone in world in different ways
How does this reflection help you to view climate change in terms of migration?

Christmas is a time when even the most conscientious generates waste
Why not commit to making a few small changes in 2021 to reduce your impact on the environment.
COP26 is coming to Glasgow in November 2021 – make this a year to find out more and take action!