Mary and Joseph journeyed, while many of us have been forced to stay at home. Or maybe just exploring a new kind of journey: the walks around the local neighbourhood, the video calls to friends far away.
Meanwhile others have left their own land to seek asylum in another country, we have seen the plight of refugees from Africa and from Syria as they valiantly face the challenges of the journey to a new land, to face new challenges and meet new friends…not knowing when they would see family again.
Wherever we have been physically, we have experienced the world around us changing. The familiar isn't as familiar any more. But God is with us all on this journey too...and maybe we will find help and support from surprising people/places.
Reading, Luke 2 : 1-4 – Rory MacLennan
Speaker – Fiona Kendall - European and Legal Affairs Advisor FCEI-Mediterranean Hope
Prayer – Elaine Cameron
Beside us – by Iain Cunningham, sung by Emily Smith

How do we feel when we see situations beyond our control?
Can you think about any you have faced or see this year?

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