When Covid prevented us from visiting friends and family, who did we turn to? Did we discover surprising new friends in neighbours, volunteers, local shopkeepers or members of our church family? Many of those who live alone, those shielding or those who could not visit loved ones have indicated that this year has been a lonely one. There is worry about the winter and Christmas.
The Bible is full of stories of people who create or discover their own extended families. Has Covid helped us do that? Have we discovered someone we can bring into our own extended family? Have we been surprised by support given to us?
Our Partner Organisation, Christian Aid are encouraging everyone to sing the beautiful hymn, ‘When out of Poverty is Born’ during Advent. It was written by, and used with permission from, Kathy Galloway.
Reading, Luke 2: 4-7 – Lucia Braid
Reflection – The most Revd Mark Strange – Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness
Prayer – Marjorie Clark
When out of Poverty is Born – by Kathy Galloway, sung by Erica Christie, accompanied by Marcus Ford

What relationships and interactions have you missed this year?
What new ones are you grateful for?

Text, call or send a Christmas card to someone that you have not spoken to for some time.